What Kind of Settlement Can an Orlando Medical Malpractice Attorney Help Secure?
An Orlando medical malpractice attorney can help secure various types of costs and losses, known legally as damages, depending on the specifics of the case. Your compensation could include:
- Medical bills both past and future, including the cost of surgeries, medications, long-term follow-up care, and physical therapy treatments
- Lost wages and job-related benefits like health insurance coverage, as well as missed advancement opportunities
- Pain and suffering costs to your physical vigor or psychological well-being after the ordeal you and your family have experienced
- Punitive damages, which are payments charged to wrongdoers that are then awarded to you
- Wrongful death losses, including the economic cost of burial and lost earning capacity, as well as the human cost of losing a spouse, parent, or child
While many injuries and losses can never be reversed, a settlement for a medical malpractice injury can help you access proper medical treatment, and possibly help secure the financial health of your family.
Osborne & Francis has a proven track record of achieving million- and billion-dollar verdicts and settlements. Our successful cases include injuries from defective medical products, prescription and dangerous drug cases, and various other medical malpractice lawsuits in Florida.
Notable Medical Case Results from Osborne & Francis
Some of our top settlements and verdicts include:
- $1 billion for a group of lawsuits against the medical technology company Stryker for their toxic metal-on-metal artificial hip joints
- $9.475 million against Bayer Pharmaceuticals for a drug used to limit bleeding during heart surgery that caused kidney damage, kidney failure, and even death
- $4.5 million for a diagnosis error that delayed treatment for an evolving stroke and left our client with permanent injuries and neurologic deficits